Literary Award “Idea of Unity” by Embassy of Federal Republic of Germany
Unity and integration
Eleven months after the fall of the Berlin wall, on October 3rd, 1990, unified statehood was restored.
Germans know that unity is more than the fact of living in a single state. Time and again, they discuss the question to what extent the societies of the West and East have become a single whole.
The relationship between unity and diversity is a fundamental question for every society. Authoritarian actors speak of unity, but are eager to draw dividing lines against their designated enemies. Who wants true unity, free of coercive pressure, must recognize differences and diversity and work for overcoming obstacles to mutual understanding.
The literary award of the embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany „Idea of Unity“ will be awarded to a author for the best work that deals with artificial borders between people and with the fight against authoritarian and totalitarian regimes. The work should emphasize the ideas of unity and tolerance and the will to tear down divisive walls.

Contact information
For further questions, please contact Mrs. Nino Nadibaidze on the following email: